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10 Research Facts on Marriage and Choosing a Partner

I ran across an interesting article that was in the Examiner. It’s based around 10 research facts on marriage and finding a partner. Some I already knew, some I already figured out and some were new to me so I thought I’d share.

1. Marrying as a teenager is the highest known risk factor for divorce.

2. The most likely way to find a future marriage partner is through an introduction by family, friends, or acquaintances.

4. Women have a significantly better chance of marrying if they do not become single parents before marrying.

6. Living together before marriage has not proved useful as a “trial marriage.”

8. People who are married are more likely to have emotionally and physically satisfying sex lives than single people or those who just live together.

10. For large segments of the population, the risk of divorce is far below fifty percent.

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