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10 Things Every Mom Wants, When It Comes to Laundry

I have been a mother for almost 20 years now. And, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I do not like doing the laundry. And that’s amazing, considering that I have probably washed 3 to 6 loads of clothes almost every week for the last 20 years. With that resume, I guess you can say that I am a laundry expert (not really lol.)

And, although I don’t like doing it, I am very particular about my laundry. You see, I need to know that my family of 7 ( that’s 4 kids, 1 husband, my mother-in-law, and me) has fresh, clean clothes to wear each and every day without fail. So I am quite sure that most moms can relate to the following laundry list of requirements (pun intended.)  When it comes to laundry:

  1. I want someone to wash and fold the clothes for me. I am not going to lie..this is at the top of my list. And if I get this one, then I will not need the rest of the list. I am still working on my husband . And the kids are getting older, so there is hope for me to get this wish yet. And my mother-in-law is great because she washes the kids clothes for me frequently.
  2. If I can’t have number one, then I want someone to fold the clothes for me, at the very least.
  3. I want to spend as little time as possible doing the laundry. I don’t want to be washing clothes all day long.
  4. I want the clothes to be clean. This is a big one. As you can see from the picture above, my kids play hard and they come home dirty with stains on their knees and elbows. The clothes need to be clean after they have been washed.  I am not above re-washing a load if I feel the clothes are not clean after they have been washed.
  5. I want the clothes to smell fresh. I love the smell of clean laundry. Confession time – so, I have this habit of sniffing almost every piece of laundry as I transfer it from the washer to the dryer. And I did not know it was a habit until my husband pointed it out to me. He said it was weird. But every mom does that …right??
  6. I want to wash the least amount of loads as possible. Sometimes, I have a lot of little loads because I can’t mix the dark colors and the light colors and the whites. So, it would be nice if I could just combine them and cut down on the time I spend doing the laundry.
  7. Iwant a detergent that does not irritate my kids. My kids have sensitive skin and the wrong detergent will have them dry and itching. So, I am very particular about the brands that I purchase.
  8. I want our clothes to last. I don’t want them shrinking or fading before we have gotten good use out of them. My whites need to be white…not yellow.  And my colors should not be faded.  And I love when I have hand-me downs that we can pass down from one daughter to the next. But, you can’t do that when stains don’t come out and clothes are all faded and nappy.
  9. I don’t want to ever run out of laundry detergent in the middle of washing again. I hate when that happens.
  10. I want someone to remind me that I have the last load of clothes in the washer. Please tell me I am not the only mom that forgets that she left the last load in the washer. And then when you remember, you have to re-wash the load. I do this more often that I want to admit.

Recently, I was sent a sample of Tide Vivid White + Bright which is designed to “Get white whites and bright brights wash after wash. Tide Vivid White + Bright contains no chlorine bleach and is safe for all your machine-washable clothes. ”

It really piqued my interest that it contains a special ingredient that will neutralize the chlorine in your water…so it will not cause your color garments to fade.

I already know that Tide is a very good quality detergent that gets the clothes clean and does not irritate my kid’s skin. It was already one of my trusted brands. So I put it to the test and washed a load of white and colored clothes together…. Yes..together.



So what do I think? I think that Tide Vivid White + Bright can definitely help me with most of my wants #3 to #8. Now, if it could just help me with #1. (Notice …I did not pretend to fold the clothes for the purposes of this review….but the important thing is that my clothes are clean, my whites are still white, and my colors did not fade!)

Can you relate to any of my wants? Please share me your biggest requirements or challenges when it comes to doing laundry.

Tide Vivid White + Bright keeps whites brighter longer allowing you to break the rules of white. Learn more about Tide’s whiteness regimen by visiting DailyCandy.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tide. The opinions and text are all mine.

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