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10 Ways to Find Spiritual Strength in 2014

It shouldn’t come as surprise to us that the majority of us would have abandoned and even seen failure with resolutions by the end of January. In fact research indicates that 80% of us would have broken our resolves by January 31! Sadly only 5% of us would have continued in our quest to see through the resolution by year end. At the end of day when we prepare our New Year resolution, we are half-hearted about it. The major cause of failed resolutions is our expectation of success or level of confidence of achieving our objective. Simply put, if you expect to fail, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and if you have the confidence to succeed, you will achieve your goal 100% or close to it. So let’s keep this in mind trying to formulate our New Year resolution.

There is a key method that can be used for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions. They must be specific, measurable, and achievable, with a realistic and real deadline. If you are looking at building your spiritual life you can start here:

  1. Read the Daily Readings
  2. Say morning and night prayers
  3. Abstain from buying luxury goods, or to spend money frivolously
  4. Endure with, provide comfort to and pray for a loved one undergoing suffering
  5. Cease arrogant or condescending attitude

Click here to read the remaining 5 ways in the article 10 Resolutions To Spiritual Strength In 2014 from

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