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10 Ways You Can Help Your Spouse Lose Weight

If you have never struggled with your weight, I am here to tell you that it’s a blessing.  Trying to lose weight is challenging.  I know because I have lost 45 pounds before.  I had to make several lifestyle changes, and I was determined to get in shape.  I reached my goal and life was good.  Now, 14 years, a husband, and two kids later, I can tell you that losing weight is even harder than I remember.

I know so many of you have been where I am right now.  You look in the mirror and think, “dag, why is it so hard to lose this weight?”  It’s one of the most frustrating moments in the world because you actually know what to do, but being able to do it well and consistently keeps you away from your goal.

The only thing that makes weight loss even more challenging is a lack of support from your spouse.  Sometimes people don’t get any support at all, or they find themselves with a spouse who claims they are helping, but their “help” just makes you want to eat a brownie sundae… with extra whipped cream.

Below, are a few tips for those of you out there with a spouse who wants to lose some weight.  It’s my hope that reading this gives you the tools you need to truly support their weight-loss effort.

BMWK Family, what are some things you do to support your spouse’s weight loss efforts?

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