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12 Signs Your Marriage Will Survive Through Conflict

Remember your very first big disagreement as a couple? You probably thought, “Okay, I haven’t seen this side of him/her”. Or, “Is this what I have to look forward to”?

Both of which would be valid concerns. The reality is, in love, you’re going to get frustrated. Things won’t always go your way and sometimes you and your mate will not see eye to eye. It’s okay. You might start to feel as though, in those heated and unhappy moments, this isn’t what you signed up for. But your marriage will survive.

The stronger your relationship foundation, the better. Every relationship will experience some form of heartache, but here are 12 signs yours will survive.

  1. When you seek God first, instead of running to others to complain about your marriage.
  2. When there is dialogue. A disagreement usually means there is some form of communication. In order to disagree, each partner had to first share their opinion.
  3. When there is no record being kept of who is right and who is wrong,
  4. When there is an appreciation that opposites attract and a different way of thinking and doing things can be healthy for a marriage.
  5. When you look forward to making-up, because you know this challenge is temporary.
  6. When you extend grace to your partner and forgive. Forgiveness is necessary for every marriage.
  7. When there is a safe space in your relationship to be honest and share your truth.
  8. When you accept your partner’s flaws and how they communicate and recognize your own.
  9. When you see the benefits of being able to manage your anger effectively and act accordingly. Knowing that an inappropriate handling of it could seriously damage your relationship.
  10. When you are able to take a step back, and say “Damn, I messed up” and promptly apologize without your spouse bringing it to your attention.
  11. When you don’t have to shut down for days before you can actually talk to your spouse and create solutions.
  12. When you are able to let it go and move on after the situation has been resolved. Although this isn’t always easy, it is a must for a healthy partnership.

Couples, conflict is okay and expected. Being able to communicate, accept the other’s point of view and take responsibility for your own actions is definitely a sure sign your marriage will survive.

BMWK, what signs would you add to this list?


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