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20 Things to Be Grateful for in Your Marriage

20 Things to Be Grateful for in Your Marriage how to be grateful in relationships

As you prepare to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror, reflection is important. Not just reflecting on the year itself, but also thinking back to what you’ve experienced and learned in your marriage and about your spouse. Also reflecting on how to be grateful in relationships. You have likely grown in some way and that is something to be grateful for. Now is a great time to practice gratitude, count your marriage blessings, and say thank you to your spouse.  In this article, let’s explore 20 things to be grateful for in your marriage.

20 Things to Be Grateful for in Your Marriage

  1. God. Whenever there is a conversation on gratitude, it cannot begin or end without God, faith, and the spiritual journey you take with your spouse. All the blessings that flow through your marriage are worthy of praise and thankfulness. 

  2. Choices. You and your spouse chose one another. And every day you show up ready to love and able to overcome challenges together, you continue to choose one another. 

  3. Love. Love is an action word and it shows up in how you treat one another. Look for the love action and how it shows up in your marriage. 

  4. Space. Be grateful for the space that comes in your marriage allowing you and your spouse room to breathe and be alone. Time apart, hobbies, and you-time gives you the recharge you need to show up better as a partner. 

  5. Communication. Having a spouse who actively listens and who you can talk to about anything is a blessing. And being that type of partner to your spouse is even better and teaches you how to be grateful in relationships!

  6. Peace. A sense of peace and calm in your home is something we all need. With so much craziness in the world, your marriage should be the safe space you run to where you feel loved and supported. 

  7. Friendship. Nothing makes a marriage stronger than having a genuine friendship. Friends have an unbreakable bond. They laugh, talk, and trust one another with everything.

  8. Passion. There is nothing better than a marriage that is filled with passion and excitement. It’s an emotion that should be felt when you think about your spouse and how they make you feel. Allow it to drive your actions for how you make your spouse feel also.  

  9. Security. One thing valued in most marriages is the security felt. Safe and protected is how both you and your spouse should feel when you are together. There should be a sense of security around what you share with your spouse as well as what they do to defend you and support you when they aren’t in your presence.   

  10. AcknowledgmentA marriage where acknowledgment exists is a powerful one. Acknowledge one another’s presence, contribution to the marriage, emotions, and experience within the marriage as often as you can. Individuals need to know they are seen and what they feel matters. 

  11. Beginning. Be grateful for your beginning. Remember how you started your relationship; the initial reaction, the butterflies, and how much you looked forward to being together? Tap into those memories whenever your marriage feels difficult.

  12. Celebration. Anniversaries, holidays, birthdays, and any reason to smile, dance, or experience joy is surely worthy of gratitude. Look for all the great things to celebrate and be thankful for having them in your life. 

  13. Support. If your partner has your back and you have theirs, be grateful. Support is one of the foundations of a strong marriage. You and your partner should believe in one another no matter what and it should be felt. You should be your partner’s biggest advocate and vice versa. 

  14. Dreams. Being able to dream together about your marriage, life, your family, and your individual goals is truly a blessing. Be sure to thank your partner for continuing to dream big with you. 

  15. Disagreement. This might not feel like something to be grateful for in your marriage, but disagreements are part of your growth as a couple. Whenever you disagree, it is an opportunity to learn something new about one another. New information is good for your marriage. It teaches you how to approach certain subjects and also provides a clearer understanding of you and your spouse’s triggers. Though this is an unconventional approach on how to be grateful in relationships, it is an important part of the process.                                                                           

  16. Intimacy. Intimacy includes all the feels you have that get you excited about spending intimate time with your spouse. It’s so much bigger than just sex. It’s about the physical touch, the body language before you touch, and even how you look at and admire one another. It’s all the things that are unsaid that demonstrate the connection you have with your spouse. 

  17. Uniqueness. Your marriage experience is unique to you and your spouse. There is no other marriage like yours. Your experiences have made you who you are as a couple and that in turn shapes your marriage. Believe me, that is something to be grateful for, that your marriage is your own and shouldn’t be compared to any other.

  18. Happiness. If you are happy and you know it, shout “Thank YOU!” All couples want happiness in life and in their marriage. Though every day won’t be full of sunshine and roses, there is something to applaud if the happiness you feel is consistent and outweighs the challenging days. This is a quintessential factor in how to be grateful in relationships. 

  19. Trust. What is a marriage without trust? It’s nothing. Couples must be able to trust their partner with everything; their life, their hearts, and all that they bring into the marriage. Trust means you take what your spouse gives to you and you hold it close to your heart, treating it with love and respect. 

  20. Children. The family you have built together is also worthy of gratitude. It is the greatest responsibility you will ever have. The success of your children is a direct reflection of what you and your partner have poured into your family. Be grateful that your partnership is so strong it can successfully develop other humans.











This list of how to be grateful in relationships could go on and on. Marriage is a blessing. It fills your heart and life with a love you can’t get from anywhere else. You have a partner to share this life journey with and that alone is worthy of gratitude. If you haven’t done so already, continue to add to your list of what you are grateful for in your marriage, and be sure to share it with your spouse by saying thank you.

BMWK, what are you grateful for in your marriage? Also, what tips would you give others on how to be grateful in relationships?

Up Next: 17 Reasons I Am Grateful For My Husband

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