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2012 – The Year Of No More Excuses!

One of my major pet peeves is when someone struggles with taking responsibility for their own actions and instead formulates excuses as to why they’ve behaved the way they have.

You’ll find this same person blaming everyone else rather than admitting they need to change. When there is excuse after excuse and everyone else is to blame, growth is stunted. Throughout the years I’ve heard several couples explain their negative actions as a direct response to their partner’s actions. They can’t be a better spouse because their partner unfortunately doesn’t appreciate them or the marriage lacks overall peace because their mate won’t act right. As a result, neither partner is showing up correctly. When our excuses prevent us from doing what we know is right, we have a problem.

For this very reason I request that you join me in making 2012 the year of no more excuses. Of course this proclamation will have a positive impact on our relationships, but it will also contribute greatly to our personal growth. In terms of our goals and dreams it is always easier to point out why something won’t work than to push forward and make it work despite the obstacles. Statements like “I don’t have the time” or “enough money” or “I don’t have what it takes” are all excuses of 2011 which we will not allow to follow us into 2012.

If excuses have blocked your success and not allowed the best of you to show up, I have a few suggestions. The first step is admitting it. Please believe me when I say you are not the only one. Next, you must be willing to change. This is the big one; if you don’t really have a desire to change none of this will work. And lastly, a plan must be created and executed.

Below are a few ideas to help get you started today! When you’ve bought into the idea that you can’t do better in your relationship or move forward in achieving your goals, try:

“¢ Rejecting the urge to blame others for making you react the way you do.
“¢ Remembering, it is always your choice. How you react, what you do and what you don’t do is ultimately all up to you. You have total control.
“¢ Being tied to the results. Thinking with the outcome in mind helps you plan the right action steps to take along the way.
“¢ Moving forward despite the obstacles that might surface.
“¢ Remaining optimistic and creating a plan of action the next time an excuse is on the tip of your tongue.

If you’re prepared to make 2012 your year of no more excuses, please join me. We all deserve to experience relationships that generate peace. We are also worthy of reaching the goals we desire. It is time for us to show up and show out in everything we do!


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