Don’t wait one more day to winter proof your hair. Time keeps ticking and it seems the only things preparing for the winter are the leaves. So when do you think is the best time to prepare your hair for the winter?
This question shouldn’t stump you. Just as you prepare for a night out on the town with your girls, you must also prepare your hair for the winter. You wouldn’t wait until the night before going out for your birthday to finally decide what you’re wearing? Would you? Lord knows I won’t and I don’t.
There are 3 things you can do to prepare your hair for the winter in the fall:
1. More deep conditioning:
If you’re not doing so already, this should be the first thing you do. During the winter months that cold weather doesn’t love anyone. Protect your hair before the first snow by increasing your deep conditioning. During the winter I deep condition every time I wash. This will ensure my hair is strong and moisturized for the harsh winds that always seem to accompany cold weather. Restoring your moisture balance is important during the winter months; the cold weather can really dry your hair out. It’s not the summer and there is no humidity in sight to pull moisture from the air. You’ll need to restore moisture in your hair every time you wash to counter the dry cold air. If not, you won’t have a dog in the fight against the brisk wind.
2. More protective styling:
When it’s cold all day my hair is away. For our TWAs I know what you’re going to say, what about me? And you’re right, we will tackle the 3 things you can do as a TWA during the winter soon. It’s important to have low manipulation during the winter months because of the harshness of the cold. You can opt for a flat twisted style, wig, hat, or scarf during the winter months to protect your hair. I do protective style challenges with one week of freedom in between. You can join me if you wish; the Protective Style Challenge will officially kick off the first week of winter on 21 Dec 2014. I plan on Protective Styling for the entire winter so join me.
3. Say goodbye to wash-n-go’s:
This one might shake a few people and hurt some feelings but really, it’s far too cold outside for you to be leaving your house with wet hair. The wash-n-go may have held you down in the spring and summer, but the winter has no love for your wet hair. If you choose to still do wash-n-go styling during this time, increase your defusing time to ensure more of your hair is dry when you leave the house. Besides, you’ll catch a death of cold if you go out there with wet hair. That’s what my mom would say.
As we prepare for the changes in weather, we also must adjust the way we maintain our hair.
BWMK, are you doing anything different to your hair for the winter?
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