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3 Simple Ways To Be A Great Dad

Fatherhood is one of the most challenging things a man will encounter in his life.  At the same time, it is one of life’s most rewarding.  As the father of three children, ranging from ages 2 to 12, I have learned a lot.  And, I am certain I still have a lot more to learn.

I am constantly looking to be a better father to my children.  I know I am not the only dad that does some very…”not-so-smart” things when it comes to parenting.  It is usually those times when I begin that thought process of “where did I go wrong” or “what can I do (or could have done) differently” to do better.


Sometimes we already know what needs to be done.  It is common sense, and very simple.  So I am forced to remind myself periodically to Keep It Simple Son!  Yes, there are tons of good books, resources, blogs (like BMWK), and groups that we should read and partake in.   But I don’t think being a great dad has to be complicated.

If we focus on a few basic things and do them intentionally, consistently, and to the best of our abilities, then we will do just fine.  Below are a few things that all dads can and must do.  Three things that will improve your relationship with your kids and prepare them for the future.  Check out my  3 Simple Ways To Be A Great Dad.

1) Love your kid’s mother

When the kids see dad loving mom, they see what love looks like.  Your sons will know how to relate to women when they grow up.  And your daughters will know how a man should talk to her and touch her.

When you love your children’s mom, this frees her to love and nurture them.  She is inspired and encouraged to do her best as a mother and any other roles she has.  Now the kids have mom and dad loving each other and loving them even more.

2) Spend time with your kids

No relationship is built without time spent together.  When you have multiple children, that time (and attention) spent can be divided.  Some time is better than no time, but time alone surpasses them all.

You will get to know one another better, create memories, show how important they are to you, and build them up.  These are great opportunities to teach life, and just enjoy one another.

3) Prepare your kids to leave

One-hundred percent of parents I have spoken to with kids older than ours have said the time with your children goes by way to fast.  And no matter how cute, cuddly, and fun they are as babies, we know someday they will leave our homes.  The preparation for that begins sooner, not later.

If we do not prepare them to leave and live on their own, then this is a great failure.  If we have properly prepared our kids to live productive and meaningful lives then we have done our “jobs.”  When you have done this successfully, you can claim great dad status.

Simple but not easy

As I said these things are simple.  However, they are not easy.  We all need encouragement at point.  The BMWK family, and articles from my fellow writers have been a source of encouragement for me at times.  Just as the circle of husbands and fellow dads I have developed relationships with in my community have been.

Dads, we can all be great dads.  We should all be great dads.  Our kids need us to be.  Our wives need us to be.  Our churches and communities need us to be.  Hopefully you are encouraged, empowered, and equipped to be a better dad after reading this.  I’m rooting for you, and all the other dads out there!

BMWK family:  Have you seen these things in action in your dad, husband, or other dads you know?

BMWK dads:  Please share what you have done to help you be the best dad you can be.

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