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3 Ways Insecurities Can Harm Your Marriage

We all want to think highly of ourselves, as we should, especially when it comes to marriage. We want to know that our spouses don’t want anyone else but us. We should walk in the confidence that we have nothing to worry about when it comes to our spouse because we know we got it going on right? Well not everyone feels like this and I’m going to tell you how insecurity can harm a marriage and how you can overcome it. Now keep in mind, this is for those who have no reason to be insecure, no one has cheated or given signs of cheating.

  1. If you start feeling insecure you may start unnecessary arguments. You may accuse your spouse of doing things he or she is not even thinking about let alone doing. So instead of accusations, ask questions. Don’t go looking for trouble when there isn’t any.
  2. Your insecurities can cause you to make your spouse feel bad about themselves because you may start insulting them or telling them no one else would want them. Instead of trying to make them feel bad about themselves, do something to make you feel good about you. Change something about your appearance if you need to.
  3. Insecurity can push your spouse away. He or she can get tired of trying to reassure you of their feelings for you or even their loyalty. After a while they may just end up leaving. Instead of looking for validation from him or her, you have to tell yourself you are of worth.

Sometimes insecurities come from outside sources like friends, family and even television. You have to know that whatever you think on, you will react to. Watch your thoughts, watch what you allow others to speak over you and definitely watch what you look at. TV is just for entertainment, it’s not real. You have to speak words of encouragement to yourself. If no one tells you how good you look, you better tell yourself every day when you look in the mirror. If your spouse isn’t telling you, let them know you need to hear it from them. If you are the one not giving your spouse words of encouragement and praise, make an effort to start. Just don’t let insecurity harm your marriage.

BMWK family, what tips do you have to overcome insecurity?

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