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3 Ways to Take Control of Your Emotions Before They Take Control of You

Your emotions play a major role in your life. God created you with them so they must serve a purpose. But, on many occasions, we find our emotions clouding our judgement preventing us from seeing a situation in the right light. It is very true that over the years most begin to trust, understand, and enjoy adventures our emotions can take us on.

Emotions are not bad.  In fact, it is stated that experiencing negative emotions such as fear and anger is important for mental health and helps us evaluate our experiences in a positive way.

But, we do have to be attentive to the moments that our feelings are causing us to believe something that is not true. Here are 3 lies your feelings will tell you.

Your Feelings are Facts

Your feelings are not facts. A fact is something that truly exists or has happened. Because your feelings are present based, they cannot be facts. So you have to be careful that you do not believe what your feelings are telling you. Because your feelings are not facts, you do not have to act on them.

Your Feelings Don’t Know Your Future

Have you ever felt strong about someone in one moment, but then after they do something to you whether it be hurt you or even leave you, those good feelings turn into negative feelings.

This proves that our feelings do not know our future. All feelings know are what is happening right now. This is so important as to why we have to use wisdom when our feelings are rising up strong and we are preparing to make a major decision based upon our emotions.

This can also play a huge role in who you choose to date or marry. Because your feelings don’t know your future it is very unwise to base your decision on who you date or marry solely on your feelings.  This is where you must use wisdom partnered with your feelings.  Yes, the person you date or marry should cause feelings to erupt, but you can’t expect them every time.

What You Feel Isn’t Important

I believe strongly that God gave us feelings for a reason. My wife is a much more emotional person than I am. Many would think I would see this as a weakness. But, I actually see this as a strength. I’ve seen my wife over the years learn how to channel her emotions and use them to help sympathize with others, be alerted when something isn’t right with others, and also express legitimate passion for a particular thing.

What you feel is very important if you can learn how to put purpose to your emotions. Gaining control over your emotions makes you a very dangerous person because then people’s actions no longer have the power to make you lose yourself.

BMWK, do you know how to gain control of your emotions?

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