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4 Dating Deal-Breakers You Should NOT Compromise On

Dating should be fun, exciting, easy and interesting. We’ve all heard the dating horror stories, but it shouldn’t be that hard, right? We should meet someone we like, enjoy great conversations over palate-pleasing food, and slowly build an awesome relationship. And although I know it’s usually not that simple, I really think it should be.

Unfortunately, so many of us are conditioned to believe that dating is hard, so we put on our armor and prepare for the worst because, frankly, we think there are a lot of crazies out there. Now am I suggesting that you throw the armor away and just give your heart and soul to any idiot who takes you to dinner? Of course not.

The truth is there are a few crazies out there and everyone should walk into dating with a set of standards they are unwilling to compromise on. Even when you are lucky enough to date without dealing with too much madness, you still have to be on the look out for behaviors that just won’t cut it in your world. You have to determine what you need and only build relationships with people who will enhance your life in someone way. I think anything less is selling yourself short.

So why do people hang on to relationships that don’t give them what they need and deserve? I don’t think the answer to that is always simple. Sometimes people are holding on to potential instead of what’s before them. Sometimes people don’t quite know their worth and they hold on to the wrong fit because they are so scared they will never meet the right one. And sometimes people are so blinded by the good qualities a person has, they ignore the signs that the person they are dating is not for them.

If there is any chance for dating to lead to something meaningful and lasting, I think everyone must determine what his or her deal-breakers are. We all need to be clear on what would make us walk away from a relationship.

Here are 4 dating deal-breakers to consider:

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