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4 Relationship Things You Need To Stop Faking for Facebook!

“Don’t believe the likes!” I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like when it comes to dating and in relationships, we put more effort to make ourselves look happy than we put into actually being happy. I get it; there is a certain level of gratification that comes with the public recognition. But at the end of the day, we have to get from behind the computer screen and actually live what we post.

Here are a few things we have to stop faking for Facebook (and social media in general) if we want to truly be happy in our relationship lives!

Faking Happy….
Every picture is all smiles and a virtual highlight reel of your life and your life with BAE, but once you shut the computer down the happiness shuts down too. To your family and friends it’s all good…but is it the way you make and want things to seem? If you aren’t happy then be intentional about figuring out what it will take to do so. Faking it for Facebook won’t fix it.

Faking Parenting….
Are you the first to post about all of the things your kids are doing? But are you actually there in person to support or experience those activities? Or do you post the one time you show up but never mention the 20 times you didn’t. You are quick to depict the fun times where you look like you’re showing your child love, but the question becomes do your children feel that love when no one will see it? Becoming a parent is truly a gift, but if you aren’t actively involved, you may not experience it. Stop posting and start participating.

Faking spending time….
You can’t just post about that one date in a month when, in reality, your mate is begging for your time the other 29 days of the month. You can’t create a real relationship if you don’t spend real time with your mate. Somebody will feel neglected so make time for one another outside of Facebook.

Faking love…
Love is a verb, and it takes consistent action. You might post memes and blogs and videos all day, but do you actually apply and live them? It’s easy to speak about love but a lot harder to do it. Don’t talk about, be about it, and you and your relationship will be better off!

While social media can be great sometimes, we can get so caught up in how things look that we just lose sight of how things might really be happening. The good news is that we can own our own happiness with just intentional and conscious effort! You don’t have to fake it ‘til you make it, you can just do it!

BMWK, are your social media pages reflecting a better relationship than you are actually experiencing?

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