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4 Things to Revive a Marriage When the Newly-Wed Fever Cools Off

The beginning of most great things is exciting. Newlyweds, for example, are so adorable to me. They’re excited, feel really good about love, and can’t keep their hands off of each other.

Newly wed couples are usually still on a high from the wedding and all the love received by family and friends. Weddings are exciting and marriages are an excellent partnership to look forward to.

Your marriage requires your energy. You have to feed it and make your love life a priority.

New love does that for a couple. Couples should enter their marriage feeling this way. But what happens when the newness and cuteness of marriage wears off?

Years can go by and, for some couples, marriage isn’t as much fun nor does it feel as good. Maybe his habits have now started to annoy her. Perhaps she isn’t as loving or attentive anymore. Things change.

The people they  both were at the beginning may seem to have disappeared. The question becomes how can we keep the excitement of love alive and well throughout our marriage? Here are a few ideas we have to tap into that were once there at the start for every couple:


Remember how you felt the moment you were engaged? A new part of your life’s journey that includes the person you love was truly something to be grateful for and look forward to. Even after years of marriage, couples have to continuously find things to get excited about.

If we, as couples, continue to create new opportunities in our marriage, we can continue to experience excitement. Traveling to new places, taking classes on something neither of you have tried before, or completing a new project together, are all a few ideas that can bring a sense of excitement to the relationship.


Remember what you saw when you pictured a future together? You probably saw a home filled with peace and love. Couples must keep that level of optimism, even when there are challenges.

Believe that you’re going to overcome any challenges that your relationship may face. Trust that your marriage will continue to be healthy and filled with joy. Be optimistic about all that is to come for your relationship.


Another behavior that sometimes disappears after years of marriage is the energy couples put into it. Remember date night and all that went into the planning and looking good for one another? Well, couples get too comfortable and forget how important those things were. Your marriage requires your energy. You have to feed it and make your love life a priority.


Remember the people who were there to support you as you were getting married? They probably showered you with love and were willing to do anything to make sure your marriage got off to the right start.

Sometimes, unfortunately, they too disappear or don’t think you need support anymore. Marriage needs constant support. We know some days are a little harder than others. It’s important that we reach out and tell those who love us what we need. We need people who are going to listen, offer sound love advice and encourage us to fight for our marriage.  

Couples, you must remember that once the newness wears off, there are still ways to maintain that excitement, remain optimistic, add energy to your union and surround yourself with those that are going to support you throughout. However, it’s up to you. You must be willing to seek those things again.

BMWK, what are your suggestions for when the newness wears off in a relationship?

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