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5 Amazingly Simple Life Hacks for Busy Moms

I know I’m not the only busy mom who wishes several times a week, “Man, I wish there were more hours in a day.” I never seem to have enough time to do what I need to do and I want to think that I’m pretty good at time management. Over the past few years, I have found some really simple ways to make me my life a whole lot simpler. One trick I learned even as recently as this weekend with girlfriends.

Here are 5 amazingly simple life hacks for busy moms – like you and me!

1. Be an early bird.

I will never forget reading one day: “Get up before everyone else. Get ahead of your day, before your day gets ahead of you.” OK, this really isn’t a secret and we know it works, but a lot of us (myself included) just don’t do it every day. Whether you take this time to answering emails, start a load of laundry or sign permission slips – this sacred moment of peace in the morning can be GOLDEN!

2. Make things convenient.

This was an Aha moment for me. I am a mom of a toddler, and I have no idea why I didn’t think of this for my other two kids. I created a snack basket in the fridge within my tot’s reach – full of yogurt tubes, applesauce squeezies, string cheese, and pre-washed fruit. Now, instead of getting these for my little one, she grabs them herself and she loves her independence! (So do I!)

3. Put yourself in time out!

No…not for being bad, but when you are feeling a little or A LOT stressed out…go to your room! Go to a quiet place and stay there one minute for every year of your age. My family knows when I need a time out and I am always happy to accept my “consequences”.

4. Prepare Meals in Advance

This isn’t for everyone, but it makes my life so much easier. Yes, meal prep your lunch/dinner for the week. Preparing your lunch in advance is not only a cost savings, but it’s also a very health conscious move to pack it at least 2 to 3 days ahead of time. As far as dinner prep for the week, just Google or search Pinterest for one dish casseroles. Make 2 dishes over the weekend and either refrigerate or freeze them and you’ve saved precious time OUTSIDE of the kitchen.

5. Cut Time on Makeup Removal

Am I the only person on the face of the Earth who wasn’t using coconut oil to gently remove makeup at the end of the day? This is double duty. Not only does this method get an A+ for makeup removal, you’re moisturizing your face at the same time.

I’m always looking for ways to make my life easier. As I learn them, I will share with you!

BMWK, What life hacks can you share?

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