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5 Great Books that Every Christian Wife Should Read

By: Chandra Sparks Splond

Since becoming a wife in 2012, one of my goals is to learn everything there is to know about Gregory, the man with whom I will spend the rest of my life. In short, I’m working on my PhD in Gregory.

I want to become an expert in anything that has to do with my husband. I want to not only understand his likes and dislikes, but I want to gain a better understanding of what motivates him to do the things he does.

Like any good student pursuing her degree, that means I have to study, not only my husband, but books that give me a better understanding of him. Here are a few that have helped me so far on my journey.

#1) Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer

By: Priscilla Shirer

When War Room came out a few months ago, I was in line opening weekend to see it. I left the movie with a renewed determination to keep my marriage lifted in prayer. That determination lead me to a search for books that could help with my prayer life, and I was excited to find this gem by War Room star, Priscilla Shirer. Each chapter helps you declare war by creating prayer strategies in key areas, including negotiating family strife and renewing passions.

#2) The Power of Praying Wife

By: Stormie Omartian

I first discovered The Power of a Praying Wife when I was a relatively new wife. I must have been annoyed with my husband that day because one line leaped out at me: Lord, nothing in me wants to pray for this man. From there, I was hooked.

I thought my prayers would be what changed my husband, but really they changed me. I still use the prayers in the book and those the study guide instructed me to write when I pray for my husband.

#3) The 5 Love Languages

By: Gary Chapman

Does it ever feel like you are your husband are speaking totally different languages? Maybe you are. After reading The 5 Love Languages, I realized one of the ways my husband shows his love is by doing things for me. (The book calls this love language acts of service.) I feel loved when he is spending quality time with me. Once we learned our language styles and realized our “miscommunication,” we made a few adjustments. If you visit, you will find a wealth of information to enhance the book.

#4) Did I Marry the Wrong Guy? And Other Silent Ponderings of a Fairly Normal Christian Wife

By: Michelle Stimpson

I think if we’re being honest, most of us have had those moments where we’ve wondered if marrying our husbands was a mistake. Author Michelle Stimpson helped me realize I am pretty normal by addressing issues that often go unspoken, including growing apart and not being into sex.

#5) A Wife After God’s Own Heart

By: Elizabeth George

Author Elizabeth George was the first writer whose books offered me practical tips for how to work toward being a good wife. She is a huge advocate for making small changes, and in A Wife After God’s Own Heart, she offers this message: “The most important thing you must decide to do each and every day as a wife is to put the Lord first.”

That’s a lesson I can definitely learn.

BMWK, What books have helped you on your journey to being a better wife?

Of all the titles Chandra Sparks Splond has held in her 20-plus-year career, she is most proud to be called a child of God, wife and mom. Splond is a blogger, editor, speaker and award-winning author. Her novels include The Pledge, The Promise and her latest, He’s Got Game. Splond’s editing clients include several New York Times, USA Today and Essence bestselling authors. Learn more about her at www.chandrasparkssplond.comBlog: www.magiccitymomma.comFacebook:

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