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5 Places You Dread Taking Your Kids!

Ok…I must confess that I used to be one of those people who would feel some type of way when seeing a kid have a complete meltdown in public. I had no perspective so I would be thinking “why don’t the parents control that child?!” and “If I had a baby I BET it would’t go down like THAT!”

WELP let’s just say now that I have a child of my own, I completely understand and I’m sorry for my past judgments. Now that I have a toddler, who for the most part is pretty well behaved, I still get a little anxiety when it’s time to go out in public with her. Here are 5 places that I dread taking her the most! Tell me if you can relate.

1. On an Airplane

Sometimes driving just isn’t an option.  But boy oh boy, I say three or four extra prayers before getting on a plane with this little one of mine. First of all, the packing takes forever and getting through security is an all-day event.

Secondly, no one wants their kid to be the one that decided to cry the entire two-hour flight.  And so you try to time the flight just right so that it falls during nap-time, but usually it doesn’t work out. Then if your child is walking for some reason, the isles are like their own little track. Oh, and why do they want to play a never ending game of peek-a-boo with the person sitting behind you? Even the cutest kid gets annoying to a stranger after a minute or two!

2. To Church

It never fails; your child will be the one to start shouting in the middle of prayer. You try to give them candy or a bottle or the little church fan…anything to keep their attention and to stop them from crying or wanting to climb on the church pews. Sadly, there will come a time when they don’t want more candy and that little paper fan isn’t gonna cut it. Now, you have all the church folk judging and or feeling sorry for you as you take a walk of shame up the aisle with your screaming child while the preacher is delivering the message. Jesus be a nap!

3. In A Restaurant

You and your lady just want a night out of the house, but babysitters are expensive and aren’t easy to come by. You decide to try your luck and take the kid to dinner with you. The entire time your child wants no part of the high chair, is constantly knocking stuff off of the table, and every whine is magnified by 10 decibels because the restaurant is so quiet. Can you say….CHECK PLEASE?!

4. To Family Day at Work

It’s all cute to have “family day” at work, but you just know this is going to be the one day that your child forgets to takes his or her meltdown medicine! Now your co-workers and manager just think you’re a terrible parent with “issues at home.” You just went from up for a promotion to the talk of the office for all of the wrong reasons.

5. To a Birthday Party

Nobody wants their kid to be the jerk of the party. You know the one who is bullying, being extra bratty or who won’t let go of your leg the entire party. Or, maybe the child who refuses to share , or the one who eats everyone else’s food. The birthday parties are tricky because you don’t want to have to say anything to anyone else’s kid and you don’t want anyone else saying anything to your kid. I swear sometimes I’d rather just stay home…or at least have a glass of wine before getting there.

Let me stop before everyone gets the impression that when you have a kid you can’t go anywhere or have any fun. NO, I’m not saying that, but what I am saying is you better be prepared and you better have some thick skin and not care about being judged. Kids are a blessing but those blessings come with some battles you have to fight.

BMWK what are some other places you dread having to take the kids?

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