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5 Reasons Why Couples Should Work Out Together

Are you currently on the road to a healthier lifestyle? If you are, is your spouse on board as well? If we’re motivated enough, we can definitely achieve our goals individually, but having your spouse with you all the way, pays off even more. Research shows that 94 percent of couples stick with their fitness programs when they work out together. Why? Here are five reasons why couples should work out together.


Having a workout partner means accountability. Chances are, one of you will push the other when one you is feeling blah or just plain ol’ making excuses. When you’re not feeling the gym or just can’t find the strength, your spouse can be your cheerleader and help you get over the hump and get on the treadmill.

Better in Bed

Working out builds strength. Don’t let your stronger heart, lungs and body go to waste! Conditioning your body through regular exercise and a good diet increases your stamina. When you’re in shape, it really helps your love life. So, when both of you are getting in shape together, it makes it even better. Sounds like motivation to me!

You Feel Better

Exercise makes you feels vibrant, but it’s no coincidence. When you work out, you release endorphins (natural chemical secreted from the brain.) It’s like a natural high. It’s amazing how much more easy going and nice you are when you’ve done some cardio. Give it a test run, it may means less bickering and arguing…then again, maybe not!

You Look Better

Of course you know that working out consistently, especially when combined with a healthy diet causes a “healthy glow”. In addition to weight loss, your goal should also be to just lead a healthier lifestyle. So, while you’re losing those inches, your spouse is too. Naturally, you become even MORE attracted to one another.

Quality Time

Instead of leaving your honey to go clock hours at the gym alone, you can spend time together as you sweat it out together. This is a much better and healthier alternative to lounging on the couch with a glass of wine (or a beer) and watching reality TV.

Clearly, once you’ve started working out together, you will be tempted to get your (ahem)”cardio” done in the bedroom. After all, you will both have more energy, be in a better mood and look darn good with your clothes off!

What other reasons do you think couple should work out together?

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