We have finally reached a point in history when seeing a counselor, coach or therapist is no longer taboo. Although it isn’t at the rate it should be, there is noticeable progress. I love the fact that I get more African-American males calling me to schedule relationship coaching sessions now more than ever. It shows a sincere dedication to their partnership. Most people were raised with the belief that we should never air our dirty laundry and that counseling and therapy were for crazy people. This type of stinking thinking is exactly what holds us back from relationship success and overall happiness. Couples no longer have to struggle at love and hurt as much as they have in the past. There are resources specifically designed for helping couples strive in love. If we gave our relationship the attention it deserved, we’d know when we were in need of those resources. Partners must do a better of job of observing the signs that lead to relationship trouble and promptly take action.
Here are 5 reasons to seek relationship guidance:
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