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5 Ways I Know My Husband Trusts Me

5 Ways I Know My Husband Trusts Me

A spouse’s trust is sacred and should never be taken for granted. It takes time to develop genuine trust between a husband and wife because we all bring baggage from our childhoods or former relationships that can interfere with our ability to trust each other.

This January, my husband and I will celebrate 17 years of marriage. Over half of those were spent learning how to trust. Some lessons were harder and more painful than others, but through it all, we have entered an amazing season in our marriage where the trust flows smoothly. A part of our marriage maintenance work is to reflect regularly on the trust factor and to continue to grow. For my part, I’ve considered five ways I know my husband trusts me. Of course, there are more, but these are the five I share today in hopes that you might be encouraged. All marriages are different, so it’s not important that you trust like we trust. What’s most important is that you TRUST…period.

Here are the 5 Ways I Know My Husband Trusts Me:

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I find that the more I submit to my husband’s covering in our marriage, the more he trusts me, not only with his paycheck or personal matters, but also with his life.

BMWK, what are some ways you know your spouse trusts you?

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