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6 Statements A Girl Needs to Hear From Her Daddy

One of the greatest images, in my opinion, is seeing a little girl spending time with her daddy. There is something powerful that happens in a daddy, daughter relationship. Girls absolutely need their dads to play a major role in their lives. Yes, I know single moms who have done amazing jobs with their girls, but that girl, unfortunately, always misses that piece her daddy should have filled.

I especially enjoy overhearing the conversations my husband has with our daughters. Sometimes he is encouraging and inspiring in teaching those needed life lessons. Other times, he’s rough and stern when he’s disciplining. I’m usually somewhere cringing, but even in those not so pleasant conversations, I know my girls will benefit as a result.

I asked my daughters what they needed to hear most often from their daddy, and here’s what they shared:

“I love you”

“You look beautiful today”

“You’re going to do great today”

“I’ll always love you no matter what you do”

“You can talk to me about anything”

“Having you was one of the best days of my life”

Daddy and daughter relationships shape a girl’s future. It teaches her about love, real love. It helps with her confidence and guides her in her own love relationship decisions. It is an amazing feeling for a young girl to know she has a daddy who will protect her, love her and encourage her. Although I didn’t grow up with my dad in the home with me, he really was just a phone call away.  But even with that, I wanted more. A young girl needs daily reminders of just how awesome she is and how much she is adored by the people she loves the most. Believe it or not, it means even more when it comes from her daddy.

BMWK, what statements would you add to this list?

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