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6 Things to Put on Your Radar Less Than 4 Weeks Out from the Election

We are just a month out before the 2016 Presidential Election. I’m sure you’ve all been following the election closely because…I mean…how could you miss some of the circus-worthy story lines?

Whether you have or haven’t, allow us to enlighten you to a few things you may have missed as the clock counts down to Election Day.

1. The last day to register to vote in many states is today Oct 11. These States include Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky and D.C.

2. In some States, early voting has already begun. For example, States, such as California, Idaho and Minnesota, are voting now.

3. Trump is circling back to questioning Clinton’s health with this newly released ad. Because being “unfit” to be president in his book is clearly not about admitting sexual assault on women, calling for the prosecution of political opponents or jokingly asking for Russians to hack U.S. political systems.

4. Trump made a comment during the last debate about Muslims having a obligation to “report when they see something going on.” And social media responded with jokes through the hashtag #muslimsreportstuff

5. Texas televangelist Rev. Kenneth Copeland, a Trump support and evangelical board advisor, said non-voters would “be guilty of murder” if they didn’t vote (and we suppose he also meant if they didn’t vote for Trump). Not sure if Copeland addressed God’s thoughts on grabbing genitals or trying to sleep with married women.

6. Hillary Clinton’s emails are still leaking information that might damage her campaign. In the scheme of things, it’s so far been nothing compared to Trump’s hot mic leak. But will Clinton be able to keep a comfortable lead ahead of Trump by Election Day? 27 days to see!

BMWK,  have you been spreading the word to get out and vote in your circle?

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