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9 Theme Park Health and Safety Tips!

Summer will be here before we can pack away those winter clothes.  We know you’re looking forward to the fabulously fun family vacation, but we also know there’s a theme park visit in your near future.  (lol)  We all love the rides, shows, funnel cakes and other theme park treats and being in the sun while visiting theme parks.  But, there are a few things we all need to remember to avoid a medical emergency while visiting a theme park.  We’ve put together a few tips to help keep the family in top shape while at your favorite theme park.

  1. Establish a family meeting point.  Soon after you enter the park, go over the park’s map and establish a ‘family meeting point’ just in case you get separated.  I
  2. Take pictures of the kids. It’s also a great idea for Mom & Dad to take pictures of the family and the kids separately on their cell phones.  This will be crucial information if one of your kids is separated from you at any time in the park and park personnel need a current photo of the child.
  3. Stay cool by drinking plenty of water.  3-4 days before your park visit, increase your water intake. This way your body will be comfortable with all the water you’ll drink at the park.  Remember water is the best way to fight de-hydration and heat stroke.  Sodas and frozen drinks like slurpees/icees are no substitute for good old water.
  4. Protect yourself from sunburn.  When dressing for the day, apply a waterproof and sweat proof sunscreen.  This goes for every family member including baby Bobby. (lol) Re-apply the sunscreen throughout the day as you ride rollercoasters and water rides.  Invest in a sun visor or sun hat for the ladies to help block out those brutal sun rays.
  5. Also leave the sandals at the hotel.  Wear a good, comfortable pair of sneakers with socks.  The heat off the park pavement can cause a terrible rash from all the walking you’ll do while enjoying the park.
  6. Be aware of what is around you at all times.  In addition to sun burn and heat strokes, injuries from collisions (like falling over strollers) are also very common at theme parks.  Don’t block the main walkways/paths, step to the side if you’re lost or need to regroup.
  7. Know your limitations and your health.  Every ride is not for every guest.  In addition to height and weight/size limits there are also health condition restrictions for certain rides.  Please adhere to them if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.  Get your doctor’s permission first.
  8. Don’t try to cram it. Remember you can’t ride every roller coaster and see every show all in one day.  If necessary plan out the family activities across multiple days so you won’t wear yourself out. 
  9. Have Fun. Most importantly remember to have some fun!  Enjoy!
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