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A Gun Is Not a Toy but What Happens If It Looks Like One?

Photo Credit: drummerboy

Lately it is impossible to watch or read the news without the word “gun” appearing in the headlines. As the numbers of murder victims across our nation continue to rise our hearts continue to plummet. We mourn, we  pray, and our grasp onto our own children grows tighter as we hold them thankful that they are not the child being referred to by the newscaster.

A life loss is tragic and no matter how it happens it is painful. While the greatest pain is felt by the family of the departed person, those that follow along via the media also grieve. Reports on three year old Tmorej Smith are continuing to make their way around the internet and television. His death leaves so many of us with unanswered questions. How does a three year old gain access to a gun — a gun that he and his sister had thought was a toy? A gun that fired a bullet to his head leaving him dead.

“On Monday, police reported that the shooting occurred while Smith and his 7-year-old sister were in a bedroom at home, playing with a pink handgun they might have thought was a toy, according to CBS local affiliate WCSC.”

Following the shooting people were reminded and encouraged to lock up their weapons. For more on this story visit The Huffington Post.

BMWK — The country is quite divided when it comes to gun control; however, as parents do you teach your children about gun safety? At what age did/do you start?

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