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An Open Letter to Humanity in 2015

We are all often reminded to give thanks and be grateful for the many blessings we have.  God’s most important gifts of life, love, health, family, and friendship are often overlooked until something tragic happens that reminds us that they are in fact blessings that we should give thanks for on a daily basis.  What’s really funny to me is, that when we do remember to give thanks for those things, we say trite things like “God is good.”

No, let’s be clear here and note that God is neither good nor bad. God simply is.

God is constant and our current state of mind, past and present life circumstances, or fickled human happy-o-meter should not be barometers by which we determine His goodness. In 2015, I challenge everyone reading this to be bold enough to put down their human ego, expectations of what they deserve, opinions of what is fair, and cease leaning on their own understanding and seek to become available and receptive to God’s voice and to follow His direction for your life.  Those of you that take the challenge and commit to it as a daily practice, will discover that it is us that ebb and flow from good to bad, not God.

Fashion magazines have perfected the art of fabricating truth. They take a photo of a real person then proceed to airbrush, embellish, erase, and nuance it in until the image presents what they want to project as the truth. Unfortunately, many people use social media to present fabricated truths about themselves in the same way. They carefully select pictures to post that make it seem as though their life is one big well-orchestrated party. They only post perfectly posed selfies, glamorous parties, fabulous dining experiences, and high achieving kids.  Or they post comments that belittle or poke fun at others as a way to lift themselves and appear to be in the know. This to me is a sad but true reflection of lack of self-love, self-esteem, and self-worth.

My life is blessed beyond measure in so many areas. I’ve traveled the globe, dined in some of the world’s finest restaurants, hiked through some of the most lush jungle terrains, and scuba dived in some of the most beautiful and tranquil waters imaginable. I have been asked on several occasions why I don’t share those things and have more of a presence on social media as it relates to my personal life. Well the answer is simple. I am a very private person. Those amazing life moments that I get to share with my family and close friends are special and intimate and are not for public consumption.

I love the fact that I “get to” have a full life that belongs to me. Moreover, I’m not a proponent for everyone in the world that has an internet connection knowing my whereabouts and what I am doing all of the time. For me that feels a bit creepy and imposing.

I challenge those that have become social media famous through creating an identity from fabricated truths to make a conscious effort in 2015 to be authentic and show a broader scope of your life.  Post a comment about the truth of a single woman at home on a Tuesday night that longs to be in a relationship and have a family.  Post about your failures as parents or your fears of raising a black, gay or special needs child in America today.  I guarantee that your post will resonate with someone and reassure them they are not alone. Aim to connect and uplift others rather than trying to outshine or denigrate them. Post a picture of you helping someone you don’t know personally, lending yourself to a worthy cause, or being a role model for the voiceless.  Start an end racism, sexism, poverty challenge on social media. Be bigger, be better, be your real authentic self.

I invite those of us that have been blessed to live and give in 2015, to reach beyond and rise above your personal New Year’s resolutions that self-exalt, self-promote, and super-exaggerate our individual agendas to become a part of something larger. Open yourself up to God’s vision for you. Stop presenting yourself in a limited one dimensional way via fabricated truths on social media.  Stop looking to LIKES, SHARES, and RETWEETS for validation. Like yourself, Share your gifts and talents, and Retweet service, respect for self, and love for others.

In 2015, will you remember to be grateful for your life, health, and the love of your family and friends on a daily basis? In 2015 will you be bold enough to lay down your will, step into your truth and trust that God is constant even in your darkest most undeserving hours? In 2015 will you venture to live an authentic life rather than fabricate one that you want others to believe you have? Will you strive to be your best self in 2015?

BMWK, what will you do in 2015 to be your best?

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