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Are You Ready For Some Football?

Brian Westbrook shrugs off some Redskins bama!

by Tara Pringle Jefferson
I usually hate football season because my husband is a die-hard fan. He loves the San Francisco 49ers, but will watch any game, any team, any time, no matter their record or chances of reaching the Superbowl.

The first few seasons we were together, I whined and complained about being a football widow. He, in turn, ignored me, and watched games until he fell asleep. So I wised up, started learning the players’ names and strengths and was able to give decent commentary about why a certain quarterback favored passing to a certain receiver, etc.

But y’all, he STILL ignores me. LOL.

So fellas – what is it about football season? Is it really just a man’s sport? Do you like it when your significant other watches with you, or do you prefer they stay mute and hand you the snacks? LOL.

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