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ATTENTION: FREE Help for Your Blended Family This Weekend in Atlanta!

We’re excited to announce that we’re having a Blended Family Boot Camp here in Atlanta, GA on November 12th.  This is the first time that we are doing an event specifically for Stepfamilies and we’re excited!  And its’ about time! And it’s FREE…that’s right…thanks to our sponsors this event is totally FREE.

As we share often, Lamar and I have a blended family which is why we are so passionate about making sure that families just like ours have the resources, tools and skills that they need to address the challenges that they WILL face in their stepfamilies. And we are not being presumptuous when we say you WILL face challenges.  The divorce rate for couples in stepfamilies is over 60%.

Go to to register for the FREE SHIFT: Blended Family Boot Camp

And that’s too high, especially when there are people and resources out there that can help you navigate through the tumultuous terrain of coming together as a family unit.

So here is why you need to join us at the Shift: Blended Family Boot Camp on Saturday November 12th :

Please don’t delay because space is very limited. Go to to register for the SHIFT: Blended Family Boot Camp

 BWWK family – please help us spread the word by sharing this article with your friends and family!
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