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Back to School Shopping Made Easy…2 Tips that Will Save You Time and Money

This post is brought to you by Office Depot. All opinions are my own.

“Relax…I’ve got this all under control.  I’ve been a mom for 24 years.  I know what I’m doing.” 

That’s what I told our 10-year-old daughter last week during her melt-down (she is going to be a sixth grader in middle school this year and she was not amused that I was waiting until the first day of school to buy her school supplies.)

You see, I have a strategy – wait until I meet the teachers and find out exactly what supplies they need and then buy them. This strategy saves me money and keeps me from buying a bunch of extra supplies that my kids don’t need.

“Go ask your two older siblings if they’ve ever had problems the first week of middle school because we waited to buy their school supplies.”



It sounds like I have my “act” together…right?  But to be honest, I sort of fell into this strategy.  I was always waiting until the last possible minute to buy school supplies. And I eventually discovered that when I purchased the school supplies after meeting the teachers (either on the first day of school or during the meet and greet the week before school), it saved me both time and money.

Tip #1: Ask the teacher to confirm which items on the school supply list are needed for the class.

Tip #2: Go to Office Depot for one-stop, hassle-free Back-to-School shopping.

I’ve been hip to my second tip for a couple of years now.

Gone are the days of running around town trying to find 165 glue sticks at one store, 300 pocket folders with prongs in red, blue, green, and yellow from another store, and  50 million composition notebooks from yet another store. (This is an exaggeration of course. But with 4 kids, it definitely feels like I’m buying those quantities.)

Gone are the days of walking around school supply aisles that look like a war-zone and sifting through the scraps that have been left on the shelves and floors…desperately searching every aisle looking for misplaced glue sticks or just one more green plastic pocket folder …JUST…ONE …MORE!!!  (WHEW, sorry folks …I just had a flash back.)

Now-a-days, I save both time and money by getting all our school supplies from Office Depot. Office Depot literally has everything on our school supply lists…. everything!

I save both time and money by getting all our school supplies from Office Depot

They have pens, pencils, paper, crayons, markers, calculators, scissors, notebooks, glue sticks and folders galore! And I can even get those additional items for the teacher such as tissues, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and more. You name it and you will find in all in one place at Office Depot.

And to top it off, they have great prices and some amazing Back-to-School Savings. Right now, they even have a great selection of backpacks and  they are all 30% off.

Our youngest daughter is ready for the first day of school and is really excited thanks to Office Depot.  Her favorite items are her new back pack, the banana clipboard from the Happy Thoughts collection and the mini back pack pencil pouch from the Gone Global collection.

Office Depot even has 3 new trendy collections that have my kids excited about going back to school.

Take it from a mom with 24 years of experience (lol)…Office Depot has made shopping for school supplies so much easier.

BMWK – what are your best Back-to-School shopping tips?  Please share them below.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Office Depot. I’ve partnered with them to spread the news about their Back-to-School offerings and savings.  All opinions are my own.

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