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Black and Married With Kids Gets Two Nominations in “The 2008 Black Web Awards”

Thanks for all of the support fam up to this point, now we need you more than ever. We want to make a strong push to bring home both of these awards and show that this site is one of the best on the web even though it’s a work in progress and that there is an audience for intelligent discussion between us and you when it relates to relationships, parenting and life in general. We really appreciate all of you and your commitment to the site also, your comments are as important as our posts, even for the hundreds that come through everyday without ever leaving a comment. Please click the links below, both of them and vote as many times and as often as you can.

Lets show them that successful black families do exist! Vote now and vote often.



Thanks again to all of you and don’t forget to vote early and to vote often! Please make it a part of your daily routine.

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