From CNN:
Campus Republicans at the University of California Berkeley have cooked up a storm of controversy with their plans for a bake sale.
But it’s not your everyday collegiate fundraiser they’ve got in mind. They’ve developed a sliding scale where the price of the cookie or brownie depends on your gender and the color of your skin.
During the sale, scheduled for Tuesday, baked goods will be sold to white men for $2.00, Asian men for $1.50, Latino men for $1.00, black men for $0.75 and Native American men for $0.25. All women will get $0.25 off those prices.
This is crazy and I’m glad it backfired on those fools.
It didn’t backfire. It poignantly makes the point on how ridiculous SB 185 is.
Not really. What it did was paint them as insensitive clowns in front of a national audience. I don’t think their stunt changed anyone’s mind about anything.
Sale illustrates the absurdity of race based admissions.
It really doesn’t illustrate that at all. Instead, it makes it seem like Caucasian men are attempting to play the victim to the system, when in actuality they have benefited from race-based privilege within the system for years.
They should try selling me some discounted cookies after the glass ceiling is truly gone. Or better yet, when minorities aren’t paying an arm and a leg for fresh produce in urban areas (and that’s if they even have them available). Or when we aren’t outnumbering our Caucasian counterparts in mortality from heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic, yet preventable diseases simply from lack of access to healthcare. Or maybe when minority children actually have a fair chance at higher education because they are given the foundation they need in grade and/or high school. :sigh:
You then suggest that we ignore any foundation for intellegence and instead meet diversity quotas to avoid this “glass ceiling”. With America in its current state, you would prefer not to account for the brightest and smartest, but rather the more diverse and potentially dimmer? Perhaps Caucasian men arn’t playing the pitty card, but merely suggesting what makes the most sense in a social darwanist aspect. Please do realise, you ARE the one reconizing race by suggesting this pratice of race acceptance to be okay. If schools were to merely just allow on the basis of grades, then discimination wouldn’t be reconized at all. So, perhaps, you are the one to scream fire when a race is called out, when I, in fact, see everyone as EQUAL. As stated in our constitution. But it seems, you think otherwise.
Are you suggesting that if we got rid of preferential admissions, only then would we have the “brightest” population in our schools? Interesting. You also might be implying that the students who have been admitted under this current system (for example, the whopping 3.4% African American, .8% Native American, and 11% Latino students enrolled Fall 2010) boast mediocre credentials…
I’m not against educating the “best and brightest”, just saying that there is a much bigger issue in our country that continuously gets ignored – such as the fact that education (among other things) is not “EQUAL” as you say it needs to be at UC Berkley.
Consider the possibility that some students have the same “brightest” qualifications (let’s say that’s a 4.0GPA), and it comes down to a matter of choosing between two students’ extracurricular involvement (when one school may not have much available due to it’s school’s funding) or someone who is from a no-name, urban/rural, public school with very few AP courses versus someone from a well-known college preparatory academy with college level courses, or anything else that “isn’t grades”. When it comes down to it, Caucasian men have always represented the majority when it comes to college applicants, and there is much more at work here than grade point averages.
So should we do away with asking if students have family legacy at a school? Because I am sure that has weight on applications too, and judging by the UC Berkley admissions statistics (, very few minorities can benefit from that…
We really should stop looking to others to blame for our own choices in life.
I’m not buying their sad story. Did you see this story this week? It’s entitled “College Admissions Favor the Wealthy.” Colleges are admitting increasing numbers of less-qualified students who can pay their own way.
The truth is, college admissions have always favored the wealthy, but now it’s at an increase due to the recession. Affirmative Action was put in place to counteract that situation. Affirmative Action will always be necessary as long as these shenanigans continue.
Affirmative action is and has been a dismal failure. No one, I repeat no one, should be given an unfair advantage just because of race, creed, color, gender or socio-economic status. Get it done on your own merits or leave it to someone else. Attempts to equalize and homogenize all people is laughable at best and pathetic at worst. Please stop the social engineering and let us all be ourselves and attain success at the level at which we are capable. No government or organization should try to control outcomes as with affirmative action. Too many well-qualified individuals have lost out to this nefarious progarm and too many individuals have been victim to its alleged good intentions.
The bake sale worked brilliantly. The point of it was to get exposure, through satire, for the racial intent of SB185. It succeeded beyond their expectations.