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Chicago Youth Killed One Week After Participating in the Presidential Inauguration Events

Photo Credit: heatherheatherheather via Flickr

A little over a week ago many of us sat on our living room couches with our eyes fixated on the television as the Inauguration took place. Others, while in Washington D.C., stood outside bundled up watching it happen in person. Of the thousands of people who were there that Monday morning Hadiya Pendleton was one of them. She had gone to perform at the “inaugural events with the King College Prep band and drill team.”

Yesterday after taking her exams the 15 year old High School Student and her friends went to a Chicago park. Hadiya never made it home after a gunman opened fire where she and several other teenagers had been. After sharing the story about a mother who lost her fourth child to gun violence this week our hearts are saddened to find out that another life has been lost. For more on the story visit Ebony.

BMWK — According to the Chicago Tribune, the neighborhood where the shooting took place was believed to be a fairly safe neighborhood. It is a reminder that no neighborhood is exempt from tragedy. How do you allow yourself to feel a sense of safety when the news paints a picture of a very scary world?

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