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Petty Petty Petty! 5 Things Husbands Do to Get the “King of Petty” Award

I know that sometimes, as men, we think our women can be the pettiest of the petty! Between the petty conversations they have with their friends and the passive aggressive stuff they do to us, we can get pretty annoyed. But if we are truly being honest, though, there are some petty things we can do as husbands from time to time as well!

Here 5 very petty things that husbands do to their wives that we just need to stop.  But don’t worry we’ve already discussed The Top 5 Petty Actions a Wife Can Do to Her Husband

1. Messing up after she’s cleaned up.

For instance, putting more dishes in the sink as she is about to finish them!  Now that’s super petty. She’s in her cleaning groove, it’s just a few dishes left in the sink until she’s done. Suddenly you decide you wanna pick up your old bowls and cups from all over the house and put them in the sink. She looks at you giving you the stare of death, because you, my friend, have committed a petty crime! Just know it’s at this very moment she wants to strangle you but she remains silent and finishes the task because she just doesn’t feel like arguing! You owe her one, or two, or three…..!

2. Joking about her parenting skills.

If it’s one thing we know, it’s that women are particularly defensive about their role of being a mother. If you are in any sort of group setting or around friends or family and you make a petty joke about something she does as a mom, just be prepared to be in the petty dog house. You might truly just be joking and mean nothing by it, but our women take mothering very personal.

3. Ignoring her when she is talking (aka… tune her out.)

I know I’ve been guilty of this. Sometimes your woman talks so much that you can find yourself being petty by tuning her out…especially when it’s something she has already said 1000 times! Fellas be honest…how many times have you shaken your head in agreement without actually knowing what she was saying? The “gotcha gotcha” though is when it’s something important and you have to go back and ask her about something that she just spent 10 minutes telling you about. Oops…just blame it on your petty ears!

READ: 4 Petty Habits Married Couples Just Need to Leave Behind in 2016

4. Saying “we need to talk” but then never talk!

As men, many of us already don’t do a whole lot of talking.  But if you say you need to talk and then she asks you to talk, and you say “oh, never mind.”  OOO-WEE that will burn her up! She thought maybe, just maybe you finally wanted to express yourself and in true petty fashion you shut her right back down. Let’s just call you Petty Pendergrass!

5. Always going tit for tat.

She forgot to do something or did something petty to you 2 weeks ago, so you do the same thing today. She didn’t appreciate something you did for her a few days ago… so you don’t do it the next time while lamenting: “see if I do that again.” Every time she asks you to be accountable to something you say “I would do X if you would just do Y!” Yeah, it’s petty more times than not.

Yes I know these aren’t the most mature things to do, but when you’re spending a lifetime with someone some petty moments are bound to happen. Just make sure the petty moments don’t surpass the loving ones!

BMWK Fam What are some other petty things we do to our spouses? Comment below!

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