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The 6 Biggest Relationship Killers for Seemingly Perfect Couples

[tps_header]Can we keep it real for a second? Stop expecting a perfect relationship out of imperfect people!!

The elephant in the room when it comes to relationships is that, NO, they are not as perfect as they look on Facebook and, YES, we all go through some of the same types of issues. I have noticed in my years that one of the things that keeps people from working though Issues is acting as if we don’t have any.



The truth, though, is your relationship won’t work unless you do. And sometimes that means seeking solutions for whatever it may be that you are experiencing.

Here are some of the biggest issues that plague seemingly happy relationships, which folks are either too proud to admit or prefer to deny altogether.[/tps_header]

Sexual Issues

Yes, relationships have sexual seasons! Sometimes you want to rip each other’s clothes off, and sometimes you don’t want to be touched. Sometimes there is sexual dysfunction, and sometimes things just aren’t clicking on all cylinders.

Financial Issues

Yup, sometimes bills are due and couples don’t know how they are going to come up with the money. Sometimes folks lose jobs, and two incomes suddenly become one, and it puts serious strain on the relationship. Sometimes folks have secret accounts and hide money from their spouses|. In an effort to chance happiness (or present a better picture of the happy couple they want to be) sometimes folks live and spend way beyond their means. So many things can and do happen that aren’t just unique to you.

In-Law Issues

Some in-laws can’t stand each other. Some make family functions miserable, and others are just leeches that drive a wedge between husband and wife. Some are manipulative and try to turn folks against each other. Some are just jealous and petty and annoying. But because they are family, too, it’s often hard to approach (let alone referee) these disagreements without stirring the pot more.

Communication Issues

Some people think that confrontation is communication and consistent criticism is cool. Some wives are talking, but the husbands aren’t listening, and some husbands feel like they have no voice at all in the household. Many feel misunderstood in their relationships, and it’s causing resentment.

Trust Issues

It’s not surprising that many people even in committed relationships have insecurities. Sometimes, it’s due to problems stemming from childhood, and others because the trust was broken by their partners. Sometimes spouses have lied about things, and it makes trusting them again hard. At the same time, there are many relationships that have survived these circumstances through focus and commitment.

Understanding Issues

Men and women are very different, and sometimes those differences can cause misunderstandings. Sometimes she needs time and attention, and he thinks she just needs money and gifts. Sometimes he is begging for affection, and she thinks he just needs meals and a tidy home. Sometimes the love languages are different and the needs and behaviors are different, but the gaps can be bridged through understanding.

The point of this blog isn’t that you have to go airing out all of your dirty laundry. My point is that we all go through issues, but it’s the seeking of a perfect perception that keeps us from addressing issues and working through them. More relationships and marriages can survive if we just seek progress instead of perfection and be okay with acknowledging that yes…even the BEST relationships have pitfalls.

If the good between couples in relationships don’t exist in a bubble or vacuum, then neither does the bad. When we become more comfortable with that fact and not so accustomed to trying to save face, we can learn sometimes our own transparency can help others in the same boat.

[tps_footer]BMWK, do you avoid issues when they arise in your marriage? Are there certain issues that shouldn’t be addressed publicly?[/tps_footer]

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