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Computer Love: 15 Lessons I’ve Learned by Being Married to a Geek

Whenever I tell people that I’m married to a geek, there’s this awkward pause of laughter, as if I’m poking fun at him. The truth is my husband loves his geek identity and wears it proudly! Loving a geek has taught me so many new things and over the years I’ve gained a sincere appreciation for geek culture.

These are a few fun and quirky things I have learned since I found my real life Steve Urkel (minus the suspenders)!

  1. LEGOS are serious business. Seriously.
  2. The SyFy channel is the number one cable destination for B grade zombie movies.
  3. Virtually any show with zombies, vampires, or aliens is going to be watched in our home. Repeatedly.
  4. Bacon is the every meat. It’s like meat candy.
  5. Superman, Batman, and Ironman, are all “the man” depending on who directs the film.
  6. The Legends of Korra is compelling television.
  7. Comic book stores to geeks are what IKEA is to women: a wonderland.
  8. Every person should know how to do a hard reset on their phone or computer.
  9. The Twilight Zone marathon that comes on during Christmas time is a must watch.
  10. Being a gamer isn’t just about sitting around and playing games all day. It’s a way to build community and friendships with people all over the world.
  11. I get to have a 24-hour on-call IT guy at home. No PC viruses over here!
  12. There’s a love and appreciation for Science that he instills in our daughter.
  13. The Walking Dead is less about zombies than it is about the totality of the human experience.
  14. Black men have a variety of interests. Mainstream stereotypes would have us believe that most Black men are only interested in sports or rap; but the reality is they are also interested in art, writing poetry, volunteer work, fixing computers, studying science fiction, and a whole host of other things!
  15. The greatest lesson my husband has taught me is the importance of being comfortable with who I am and never think twice about what people think of me. I am grateful to him for that gift!

Although I may not “get” everything he’s into, I am thankful to my husband for all of the new things he’s exposed me to since we’ve been together. We let our differences serve as the building block to creating a marriage that is interesting and fun. I accept my husband for who he is, in all his geeky glory, just as he loves me for me and my low-grade obsession with Instagram, shopping, and girl talk.

BMWK: Are you married to a geek? Show them love in the comments below!

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