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Congress Can Lower The Debt- Starting With Their Car Leases

Fox 5’s Tisha Thompson exposes congress and their luxury car leases at a time when they would like to have everyone think that slashing government spending is their top priority. Yeah right!

From Fox 5:

WASHINGTON – As members of Congress rush from one news conference to another to tell us why we have to cut the spending and raise the debt ceiling, we wondered”... What is Congress willing to sacrifice? Especially when it comes to how they transport themselves to all those news conferences. FOX 5 has found Congress is rolling high-end SUVs, some leased from luxury companies like Lexus and Cadillac, all paid for by you – the taxpayer.


FOX 5 Investigates: Cars For Congress:

To see the entire article and to find out who’s leasing these cars on a comprehensive list go to the Fox 5 website. And yes Tea Party members are on the list!


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