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Dealing with “Working Mom Guilt”

by Gwen Jimmere

For two years, I worked my dream job at a wonderful company where my work/life balance was pretty nonexistent.

This made me…let’s just say “concerned” since I just had a baby. Knowing that there was no way I was going to give my newborn son such a miniscule amount of my time, I decided it was time to part ways. So in mid-February, I started looking to move to a specific company that I truly admire, and by early April, I was sitting in my new office. Granted, I’m still in the honeymoon phase with my new role, but the balance is definitely there. I go to work, come home, and now have time to play with and read to my son, while still getting in my honey-time with my honey. Didn’t have that before, so all is now well in the world.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my career. I am honored, blessed and privileged to be a respected figure in my field. But prior to the new job, I was home on maternity leave with my baby. We spent all day, every day, together. When I went back to work full time, the hubs and I made a conscious decision that he would work from home some days and our son would go to daycare on the opposing days. I was able to find a daycare provider that I feel comfortable enough to leave my child with. But I can’t help feeling guilty that I’m not there with him every single day like I was before. I miss my baby all day and I find myself calling to talk to him multiple times a day and check in on him. I know he’s in good hands; it’s just something I’ll have to get used to.

Just last week, I went to New York for a business trip. While I had a great time, it was slightly short of torturous not seeing my boy. Skype is apparently blocked on my work laptop, so all I had were some still images and an unlimited mobile minute plan with which to communicate.

When I’m away, I feel a dire need to make up for not being there. Tell me I’m not the only one. He’s only three months. Perhaps this is a “new mom” thing”...?

Gwen Jimmere is an award-winning and nationally syndicated editor who authored the relationship manual for young women,  If It Walks Like a Duck”...and Other Truths My Mother Taught Me. She blogs about relationships, dating, marriage and parenting at  The Duck Walkand works in social media/digital marketing.

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