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Do You Give Love Without Asking, “What’s In It For Me?”

When people ask me, “Tara, how do you do it?” I usually mutter something about how I’m still exhausted and I’m just doing the best I can, but I have to give credit where credit is due. My husband is simply amazing.

Without complaint, he listens to me vent. This man has lifted me up over and over and over again. This year has been one of the hardest years of my life as I try to figure out what I’m meant to do on this earth: Am I supposed to be a blogger? Am I an editor? A life coach? An author? All of the above? None of the above?

It’s a crazy confusing path and I admit it’s knocked me down quite a few times this year. I considered calling it quits many times, resigning myself to the fact that maybe I don’t have what it takes to create a career entirely from scratch, especially in light of the fact that I have two young children.

But my husband has never, ever tried to make that decision for me. He knows my strength and gently reminds me of it when I forget. And he shows his support in so many ways. For my birthday last weekend, he spent the whole day turning our guest room into an official office for me, because he knew having a dedicated space to work would do wonders for my productivity. He folded all the clothes, brought the computer and desk up from the basement, and bought me dry-erase boards to jot down my progress.

The most amazing thing was that he didn’t look for applause or even a huge “Thanks.” He did it because it needed to be done. Because I needed it to be done.

He brought me into the office, showed me all the new things he got for me, and then left me to my own devices. He continually shows me what love looks like, and pretty high on the list is the fact that sometimes you do things because the other person needs it, regardless of what you get out of it. Being selfless””what a concept!

How good are you in being selfless?  


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