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Do You Treat Your Marriage Like A Real Job?

Some of us wouldn’t be caught dead talking to our boss the way we talk to our spouse.

We wouldn’t continue to watch TV or fiddle around on Facebook while our boss was talking to us. We wouldn’t roll our eyes and sigh if they asked us to do something.

We get comfortable in marriage. Sometimes too comfortable.

We forget that it’s a partnership. That pulling our weight and respecting the other person is our #1 role in the relationship. We forget the power that our words and actions have. We sometimes forget that this is what building a life together is about.

Do we take a moment at the beginning of the day to prepare for the day ahead? In the office, we usually have some sort of routine to ease us into the day: we get our coffee, check our email, maybe even say a quick prayer, or chat with co-workers.  Do we approach our marriage with the same type of mindfulness? How many of us are grumpy and we know it, but we don’t apologize or are slow to correct ourselves? How many of us would be “fired” if marriage was a real job?

How can we be more mindful in our marriage, taking lessons from the workplace?

BMWK family, what about you? Do you see a difference in how you act at work and how you act toward your spouse? How can you be more mindful of the very real role that your marriage plays in your life?
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