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Doing These 3 Things in Your Marriage Just May Help You Live Longer

There are times in our lives where we get caught up in the routine and the mundane.  It’s easy to live our lives and relationships on auto-pilot.  We get up, have breakfast, make sure the kids get to school and we go to work.

The weekend comes, we sleep in, maybe grab a movie, go to church on Sunday and then rest on Sunday afternoon to prepare for the grind on Monday.

Life and Marriage should be more than living every weekday to get to the weekend, only to enjoy part of the weekend.

According to a 20 year study that followed 1,681 married people and was recently published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, marital bliss brought with it healthier lifestyles, healthier choices, and subsequently, longer life.


So, what can we do to achieve marital bliss?  We have to set some parameters to live our lives fully on purpose and to get the best out of our relationships and marriages.  Here are some ideas:

Be Intentional

It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day rat race.  We must learn to set aside time for our spouses and our children.  If you discuss something you want to do together (maybe a game night, or inviting friends over for dinner), put it on the calendar and do it!

Take control of the situations around you and plan to do something fun for your family and make it happen.  Things always come up, but if we make it a point to be intentional in our planning and execution we will get so much more out of life and relationships.

Have Fun

People who laugh a lot live longer.  Laughter is truly the best medicine for the soul.  Find ways to have fun on a regular basis.  The more fun you have in your marriage, the less the stresses of the day take hold in your relationship.

Related: 5 backyard ideas that spice up date night right at home

Look for ways your partner likes to have fun, then make it a point to do those fun things one or more times per week.  Fun doesn’t have to be expensive, but could be something around your city you and your spouse have talked about doing for years, but haven’t done (Going to the zoo, a new park, etc.).

Jump in the car and make it happen!  Have as much fun and possible and build a long relationship while sharing the joy and fun together.

Experience New Things Together

Whether it’s changing the route you take the kids to school or trying Sushi for the first time, try new things together.  Some of the greatest memories you can make with a spouse are the things that you both do for the first time—together.

If it’s going to Hawaii or trying yoga or spinning, try some new things together and you will make many lasting memories.  The memories we share together tend to be more meaningful as we build over time.

Getting the most out of any relationship takes two people making a concerted effort to give each other their best.  If we are intentional about our relationships, strive to have a good time together, and explore new things with each other, we will build healthier, more enjoyable relationships.

BMWK, Are you getting the most out of your relationships?

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