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Don’t Just Satisfy Your Spouse, Keep Him/Her Interested

Satisfy, a verb meaning to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); One would think once all of this is provided there wouldn’t be any other issues or challenges in the relationship. Wrong. We all have needs and desires and quite naturally we want them fulfilled. But we are also human beings who need much more than that. Ever notice how people never seem to be completely satisfied? We are always looking for more. How many times have you seen a couple split up and one spouse mournfully declares how much they gave in order to please the other partner? We often don’t understand why the goal of satisfying our mate isn’t enough to keep our marriage intact.

Again, the majority of us need more than someone just giving us what we want. We can think that is the key to our happiness, but we will find that can grow old, quickly. Usually, the people we decide to marry are different from all the others we’ve dated. They stand out for various reasons. There is often something very special about them and how they make us feel. But in marriage we sometimes get too complacent and find ourselves only doing for our spouse what any other person could do. If we keep that up what is the guarantee our marriage will last? I never want to hear my husband say he’s just satisfied with our marriage. It isn’t powerful enough.

It’s easy to relax in marriage. We can get too comfortable and start neglecting certain areas of our relationship and feel as though things will be fine because we are doing the bare minimum. We may think the occasional moments of intimacy, cooking and cleaning, and the purchase of stuff is enough to keep our spouse happy. But marriage only works when we put forth the greatest effort to make it work.

Interested is a noun which means something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person; the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something; and power of exciting such concern, involvement, etc.; quality of being interesting.

In order to keep our partners interested we must:

Maintain a connection. It is important that we constantly communicate and share what is on our heart and mind. Strengthening the friendship in our marriages is key. A true friendship is the foundation of most healthy marriages. Not everyone understands the true definition of this level of companionship.

Support one another. I love that I am able to talk to my husband about any and everything. Sharing my hopes and dreams with a person who completely listens and supports me is refreshing. I know I’m not going to find that just anywhere.

Bring good energy. Even when times are rough bringing a level of positive energy and excitement to your marriage can turn challenges into triumphs. Just imagine being married to a spouse who is eager and enthusiastic about being married to you. It makes a world of difference.

Remember, keeping your mate satisfied is okay, but there are even greater ways to enrich your marriage and ensure its survival.

BMWK — How are you keeping your spouse interested?

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