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Engagement Video: A Couple of Forevers Proposal at the Chrisette Michele Concert

A Couple of Forevers Marriage Proposal at the Chrisette Michelle Concert

We often share some of the best wedding, engagement and even anniversary videos from around the web …but today is special. It’s special because this video is from one of our writers, Jay Hurt.

Jay recently proposed to his now fiancé Tawanna during a Chrisette Michelle concert in Atlanta. He pulled of the big surprise flawlessly as you’ll see in the video. Then to top it off, Chrisette Michele goes into her song A Couple of Forevers as the happy couple exits the stage. Perfect!

Stay tuned to BMWK later this week when we bring you a follow-up with details on how Jay pulled off the surprise engagement and what Tawanna thought about it all once she calmed down.

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