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4 Reasons You Probably Need to Reset Your Marriage to its Default Settings

Does it seem like your marriage is off track and not where it should be? Do you feel like there is no communication? Do things just not feel right in your marriage? Sounds like you need to reset it to its default settings.

What is the default settings?

Glad you asked. Do you recall a time that your computer or laptop starts acting funky, and you don’t know what’s wrong with it? Many times you have to reset it to its default settings. After you have reset your computer/laptop, you can add what you want on your desktop and personalize it again. Well the same thing goes for your relationship. When you’ve detected issues and problems that you cannot seem to resolve; hit reset.

I’ve listed some ways to reset your marriage to its default settings, so your marriage can be what you desire it to be.

  1. If you are constantly arguing, stop it.
    Take a mental step back and go to your respective corners. Make a commitment to argue less and tell each other what’s bothering you in a respective way. Be honest with yourself and your spouse about what you want and need. After you’ve had that discussion, apply what you have learned from each other and begin again.
  2. If you are distant with each other, stop it.
    Discuss the reasons for the distance. Get everything out in the open. Take a trip somewhere or make a commitment to have a date every week. Treat each other the way you did when you were dating. Reconnect and fall in love all over again.
  3. If you have thoughts of giving up, don’t do it.
    Don’t ever give up. Watch your thoughts and speak with your spouse about those negative thoughts. Since we are on the subject of thoughts, the Bible says to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Replace bad thoughts with positive ones like you had at the start of your marriage, so you can have faith in your relationship again.
  4. If you are in the habit of not praying, break it.
    Prayer changes things. Pray with your spouse and for yourself that you will become the husband or wife that your spouse needs. Pray without giving up even when you don’t see immediate results. Your situation will change, and it will probably start with you, your way of thinking and your behavior. Pray that your marriage will be restored again.

Once you apply any or all of the above tips to your relationship, refer to your marriage manual, the Bible, to help keep your marriage on track. Your marriage is a ministry and God desires to use both of you to assist other couples who may be going through the same situation. There are many scriptures you should read regarding how to treat your spouse. I Corinthians 7, the whole chapter, discusses the principles of marriage. I encourage you to read it with your spouse often. Keep loving each other and after you’ve reset your marriage to its default settings, have fun customizing it and making your marriage what you both want it to be.

BMWK family, how would you reset your marriage to its default settings?

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