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5 Reasons Why Your Marriage Needs a Marriage Ministry

Over the weekend, I had the extreme honor of presenting my new book, A Conversation Piece, to the marriage ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. You may already be familiar with Trinity’s marriage ministry as their couple’s dance video went viral a few years ago and inspired marriages everywhere.

This amazing group of couples are God-fearing, God-focused and passionate about marriage. Although I was there to inspire them, they definitely inspired me.

Our time together reminded me of just how important it is to participate in a marriage ministry. If you’ve ever wondered or doubted that your marriage could benefit, here are a few reasons why it could:

  1. God is the central focus.
    God designed marriage and provided us guidelines on how to control anger, maintain peace and submit to one another. Marriage ministries help to keep us on track with making God the head of our marriage.
  2. It’s fun.
    It’s a perfect opportunity to spend time with other couples doing something different. Usually, the activities are things you wouldn’t typically do on your own as a couple. The ideas and exercises are typically a fresh and fun way to learn about marriage.
  3. You’re reminded you aren’t alone.
    Sometimes we think we’re the only ones having the experience we’re having. Marriage ministries are often filled with many similarities. It’s helpful to hear how other couples have navigated through the same marriage woes we too might be experiencing.
  4. It’s a marriage builder.
    In my opinion, only good can come from participating in something where strengthening marriages is the primary goal. Marriage ministries exist to minister to other couples. So being a part of one can only heal and build your union.
  5. Accountability happens.
    With the frequency of marriage ministries, usually once a month, couples are offered consistent examples on how to maintain a happy home. When we fail to follow those examples, we’re reminded each meeting. After a while, being accountable will become second nature. We’ll want to make the right choices because everyone else around us is also working on making good choices for their marriage.

Again, very special shout out to the marriage ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ. Remember, the purpose of marriage ministries are to honor God and uplift marriage. If you’re looking to maintain, heal or even improve your marriage, a marriage ministry is the perfect start.

BMWK, how have you benefited from a marriage ministry?

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