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5 Out of the Box Ways to Celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down and this year, Easter will be celebrated using unique, out of the box ways.  I’m sure we were all looking forward to our Easter plans, but amid the virus outbreak, those plans will have to shift a little.  As the holiday symbolizes Jesus’s resurrection, it is one of the most looked forward to celebrations of the season.

Due to the recent orders to  “social distance” and quarantine, churches are closed, community gatherings along with Easter egg hunts are canceled, kids cannot go to the mall for bunny pictures, and wardrobe shopping will be done online. Some may wonder if celebrating Easter is possible for 2020. Here are five out of the box ways to celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 pandemic

Discover 5 Out of the box ways to celebrate Easter during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. Attend church at home
  2. Have an Easter egg hunt at the house
  3. Give back to the community with Easter basket
  4. Get crafty and make Easter cards
  5. Get dressed in your favorite easter color

Attend church at home

When the United States first went into quarantine, ministers, pastors, and bishops all over the country immediately began online streaming. Some record from their church’s sanctuary and others from the comfort of their own homes just to be safe. With all of this new technology, families can attend church without leaving the house.

On Easter Sunday, I will be tuning in on my minister’s Facebook page to watch the live stream. Other ministers such as T.D Jakes, Craig Oliver, and Bishop Bronner will have a recorded service on their websites. We can attend the service in the living room with our family members.

Stream from a computer in bed with a cup of tea or coffee while wearing pajamas. Consider getting dressed like you’re going to church and turn your basement into a sanctuary. Use your God-given creative abilities and praise the lord the best way you can.

Have an Easter egg hunt at the house

As a young child, I remember my church throwing a big Easter egg hunt. I, along with the other girls, would have on pretty poofy easter dresses, and the boys dressed in their beautiful suits. We would take off running with our baskets and grab as many eggs as we could, and the child with the most would win a huge gift basket. Even though my church would have a huge event, I always loved the Easter egg hunt my parents threw at my grandma’s house. All of my young cousins, aunts, and uncles would compete for the most eggs.

The same can be done in your household, even with a low number of people. Government officials recommend that no more than ten people gather at a time. Whether you have ten, four, or two people in your home on Easter Sunday, hide some eggs under the beds, in a kitchen drawer, or a place where you think no one would look. For your “honey-do” put a cute token of love such as money or Hershey kiss in a plastic egg. Get innovative and have fun while in quarantine with your family.

Give back to the community with Easter baskets

When I woke up on Easter Sunday, I always looked forward to my big basket filled with goodies, and it would always brighten up my day. In these times of uncertainty and confusion, there are plenty of people who could use an easter basket to put a smile on their face. As a family project, put together Easter baskets and drop them off at a homeless shelter or nursing home. You can also give baskets to another family facing difficulties during this virus outbreak. We all know someone who is in need, and for Easter, we should show love to others the same way Jesus did on the cross.

Get ‘crafty’ and make Easter cards

While the kids are out of school for the remainder of the year, many of their school supplies are at home. My goddaughter, who is in the first grade, had to clear out her cubby full coloring tools and put them in her backpack. Now she has all of her markers, construction paper, and glue sticks at her house. I am sure she is not the only kid who cleared out her cubby. As a project for the entire family, grab the kids’ coloring pencils, adhesives, paper products, and glitter to make Easter cards. Parents, I advise you to bring out your inner child and participate in making cards for your husband or wife. Doing DIY’s, along with arts and crafts, are considered therapeutic activities. They get the creative juices flowing and keep the kids’ minds focused on productivity for about an hour.

Get dressed in your favorite easter color

Even Though there is a stay-at-home order this season, getting dressed does not go against the rules. Whether it is a new outfit or last year’s easter wardrobe, put it on and wear it for all of the in-home events and activities. I also encourage you to wear an easter color to make it more fun. The first color that comes to my mind is yellow because it is bright and represents sunshine, hope, and happiness. Whether you decide to wear yellow, blue, or pink, choose the color that fits your personality.

Since attending church from home is the only option, your outfit can be comfy, cute, and casual. Ladies, you do not have to go all out in a church dress with a hat and men, there’s no need for the three-piece suit, but use this day to get out of your pajamas and look presentable. My mom and I started an easter tradition where we dress alike every year on Easter Sunday for church service. Even though we will not be in the sanctuary, we are still looking forward to putting on our Sunday’s best and making the best out of it.

As of now, this is the era we are in, and it is our new normal. People all over the world are facing many challenges trying to adapt to this new way of life. Some were looking forward to annual Easter plans and events that are no longer happening because of COVID19. However, I want to challenge you all to use Easter as a day of gratitude.

What out of the box ways are you celebrating Easter during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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