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Four Relationship Resolutions You Should Make For 2012

It’s almost time for us to countdown to 2012 and think about what’s good from 2011 that we’d like to carry over into the new year. I know I grew a lot as a person these past twelve months and my husband and I have a lot of positive momentum pushing us forward.

But no matter where you are in your marriage, there is always room for improvement. I did a little thinking and I have four relationship resolutions I’m going to do my hardest to stick to in 2012:

1) Put that Kindle app to use on my iPad and create our own little marriage enrichment program, personalized just for us. I keep a few of Dr. Gary Chapman’s books on my must-read list, but it would be great to branch out and read some books together. We realize we don’t have all the answers but we don’t mind figuring it out together.

2) Schedule date nights once a month. This is always, always, always on my list because, well, it needs to be. I already know that prioritizing romance pays off for us. The week or so after a really good date, we’re more relaxed and easygoing with each other and we’re more attentive to each other’s needs. So why not make sure that we get at least one date a month to make sure we don’t lose sight of each other amongst all the other responsibilities we have in life?

3) Pick one time a day as a “check-in” time. As a work-at-home mom, I sometimes miss the hum of other adult voices. It can be lonely. I  usually call my husband but then I always feel like I’m interrupting him. So we’ll set up a time to chat so we can clue each other in about our day. That way I won’t be bugging him in the middle of meetings!

4) Ask for help BEFORE I absolutely need it. I tend to keep my needs to myself until I’m drowning and see no other way out. By then, any little effort my husband makes to lighten my load seems woefully inadequate and I’m even more upset. So when I feel pressure begin to build, I need to take a deep breath and call in reinforcements a.k.a the dude I married to make the stressful things a little less so.

What relationship resolutions are you making for 2012?  

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