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Great Marriage Lessons from an Unexpected Source—Your Single Friend

Sometimes married folks think they know everything about love and marriage. Just because we’ve said “I do” doesn’t make us the expert on relationships. We can all learn from each other.

And singles have quite a few things to teach us about love—especially when we’re open to receiving it.

I actually love the knowledge I gain from the relationships of my single girlfriends. They are wise beyond their years, and I know they are each going to make excellent wives because they already know what it takes to maintain a marriage.

Here’s what I’ve learned from my single girlfriends.

Treat my husband like the king of the castle

I love that my single friends appreciate the role a man should play in his household. I’ve often had conversations with my friends about love and marriage. They tell me that they desire to find a strong man who they can treat like a king. 

Sometimes, hearing this is a great reminder of its importance in my marriage. While on their search to find their “kings,” I’m already fortunate to have mine at home. So I’m sure to make my husband feel like the man in my home.

Value my marriage and what I have

When you have a spouse that is truly worth holding on to, love them and treat them as such. I’m often reminded of this one by my single friends. They frequently tell me I have a good thing, and that others are watching and learning from my marriage.

I totally value my marriage and my husband. I know that God has blessed me with love and a husband who truly supports me in everything.  My single girlfriends know that and are seeking the same thing.

Be present in my relationship

Sometimes we get so caught up in our day-to-day quest that we sometimes take for granted (and maybe even neglect) what we do have.  My single friends are always there to help me see the light.

I’m reminded not to be concerned with any negativity that goes on around me, but to focus on my marriage and making it the best one possible. I have to show up in my marriage and be in tune with what my marriage needs. If I’m worried about what others are doing, I’ll lose focus on my own relationship.

Have fun with my spouse

My friends already know how silly and playful I am, they bring it out of me. But my interactions with them often remind me that I have to make sure I’m being silly and playful with my husband too.

Yes, a spouse is usually the one you can always share your burdens, struggles and your life’s low moments. But know I also know I can’t take life too seriously or bring home too much drama to him. My desire is a home filled with joy and of course peace, and I have to contribute to that.

Be spontaneous more often

Everything in my marriage doesn’t have to be planned first.  When my husband makes spur of the moment suggestions, I should just jump on those opportunities. I’m often reminded that life is once (YOLO!), and that I should take advantage of moments and times that add to my life. My single girlfriends are excellent reminders of living a life with no regrets.

I love my girlfriends. They keep me humble and focused and are also great supporters of love and marriage. Thank God for true friends that truly value the sanctity of marriage.

BMWK, what have your single friends taught you about marriage?


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