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Greet Her Like You Miss Her

One of my favorite things about coming home or going to pick up my son from school after a long day is the greeting I receive. As I walk up I can see him looking out the window and smiling in anticipation for me to open the door. Once I do, I get a loud “Mommy!” as he runs to me with open arms. This moment in my day makes me feel like all the other tomfoolery I’ve had to put up with from him before (and that I know I’ll put up with after that moment) more than worth it.

Today’s exercise is to make your spouse feel equally as happy to be back in your presence after however long you’ve been apart. Now I’m not suggesting that you stand in the window as he or she walks up the driveway and knock him or her over with a hug at the door. But you can do a lot better than yelling “hey” from your laptop when your spouse walks in.

Take a full minute to stop whatever it is that you’re doing when you see your spouse this evening. That means get off of the phone, close the laptop, move away from the television, and greet your spouse like you actually haven’t seen him or her all day and that you’re happy for the opportunity to meet again. A hug, a kiss, a “how-was-your-day,” all of these things that take seconds go a long way in letting our spouses know that they’re special.

We’re wrapping up our 30-Day Marriage Fitness Challenge but you still have time to join in at Making Love in the Microwave.

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