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Guest Post: Why I Love Barack and Michelle

This guest post comes courtesy of friend of the blog Gwen Jimmere over at If It Walks Like a Duck a great relationship blog. Make sure you check her out when you get done here.

Every couple, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, background or creed should take notes from Barack & Michelle Obama.

Not only in terms of his presidency but in terms of their interactions. Rarely are a couple so genuinly in tuned with one another. It’s obvious they have what my friend would call a “soultie”, and its not just political front for the cameras. They aren’t one of those couples that need to separate their careers from their relationship, blocking out “business time” from “our time”. They are a team, and as a team, their relationship plays a vital role. If they were fakers, this wouldn’t be possible.

Barack doesn’t reduce Michelle to playing in the background. She was just as much a part of his candidacy as he was, and I’m positive the trend will continue into his presidency. He makes it known that she just might be a tad bit smarter than him. By the same token, she doesn’t try to overshadow him or get on some bra-burning feminist high horse. He is just as proud of her as she is of him and their authenticity resounds the world over. They both know their roles and play their positions expertly.

Michelle doesn’t mess around; she’s quick to tell him how it is. Barack is a real man and I don’t believe he would have it any other way. Can you see him married to some weak “yes-woman” with no backbone? Not a chance. She is very aware of her worth and revels in her femininity, yet she knows how and when to call the shots. They are on the same mental level “” something very important in a relationship, let me tell you. They challenge each other, but they aren’t in competition with one another “” a difference many couples have trouble deciphering. And he calls her “his rock” and means it. How beautiful is that? Michelle is a real woman and she holds it down.

Furthermore, they aren’t all extra mushy (yuck!) and sentimental. I love that they don’t get outrageously kissy faced or seem to have a need for attention being brought to their relationship. It’s not what you see in the movies or on television. What you see is what you get with the Obamas. They don’t have one of those relationships where you wonder if they ever have disagreements. I know they have disagreements. I can tell Barack annoys Michelle at times and vice versa. But they also seem like a couple that doesn’t yell and scream at one another. When Barack is getting to her, I can see Michelle retreating to read a book or workout while she calms down, then reapproaching the situation. It’s a REAL romance with an authenticity we rarely get a chance to view.

I absolutely love them and cannot wait till we get to see them and their beautiful daughters in action starting January 20, 2009. They are a shining example of what a relationship should be: a business-minded team as well as intimate lovers. YES WE DID!

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