It’s Wash Day Sunday. Well not today, but it’s coming. No matter what day you wash your hair, there are 5 Must-have things that every Butterfly needs in the bathroom for wash day. If you’re washing your hair at home, and don’t have the complete list of things, then you’re hustling backwards. By the end of this blog post you’ll know for sure where you stand on having these things on hand, and you may have to go shopping. Either way let’s start because this list is far too important to hold off any longer.
#1 Must Have: Tub/Drain Protector (aka Hair Catcher)
Its all fun and wash games until you’re standing in a foot of water because you don’t have a drain protector. I’ve stood in my own little mini-pool several times before committing to a Hair Catcher. Not having one is annoying. If you’re currently showering or washing your hair and having to wait until the water drains completely to finish, then you’re truly hustling backwards. This means your drain is so stopped up with hair that it can no longer function. Stop being cheap and go purchase a Drain protector. I’m not going to tell you which one to get, but my simple Hair Catcher Google search tells me you can buy one as low as $1.70. Click here for details.
#2 Must Have: Snake for Drain
After you fail to take my advice in getting a Hair Catcher, you’ll find yourself buying a Snake for your drain. This little contraption helps in getting the hair out of your drain. I use this and I own a Drain Protector. It just goes to show why these are MUST HAVES. Having them is great, not having them truly does suck and can be quite expensive. Have you seen how much plumbers make these days? They are the ones balling out of control, while you sit there looking salty. The Snake Drain should really be #1 if you ask me. There will be hair that gets down the drain no matter what, even if you use a Drain Protector. There may also be hair down your drain from previous owners (Ewwww… I know right). No matter whose strands are in your drain, the snake doesn’t discriminate. It will assist in removing the biggest of balls and get you back to easy washing in no time. I did another simple Snake Drain Google search, you can find one as low as $3.29. Click here for details.
#3 Must Have: Cleaning Agent (degreaser)
I highly recommend you get a cleaning agent that has a spray nozzle and keep it close to the tub. You might even be confused as to why this is on the list. That is until you go to take a shower the day after Hair Wash Day and almost lose your life from a slip and fall. If you follow SistersWithBeauty’s Hair Wash Regimen for 2014 video you know we encourage you to Tip-N-Dip during your detangle phase. This one little action can send you into the hospital if you don’t spray the tub after you finish washing and rinse it off. I recently had a slip scare not too long ago. Please, for all the curls in a puff, have a good cleaning agent nearby after you finish washing your hair, AND USE IT. No one likes to slip and fall but when you heighten this action by being on a greasy tub floor, you could break your back or die. #NeverWouldHaveMade it without my cleaning agent and God’s call upon my life. Don’t laugh too hard at this must-have. Before you know it you’ll be the next person trying to grab the shower curtain to break your fall. I did a simple degreaser cleaner Google search, you can find a cleaning agent as low as $3.89. Click here for details.
#4 Must Have: Mini Broom and Dustpan
I guess we are all going to act like we don’t see all of this hair on the floor, in the corners, doing the Cupid Shuffle across the floor every time we open the door or make a swift move. If you don’t have a mini dustpan and brush in your life, you know the #Struggle is real. Using tissue isn’t a solution (although I agree it can be effective), kicking it to the corner isn’t working either, nor is acting like you don’t see it. It’s time to stop excusing all of the hairs on your floor and get to the store. I own a big dust pan and broom, but you know I’m too lazy to go all the way down stairs in the kitchen to get it. Go to the dollar store and grab one that can be stored in the bathroom. No matter where you get it from, please have one handy, especially after wash and style day. I can’t tell you how many times I look at the floor and shake my head when I don’t use my mini broom and dustpan. I did a simple mini dustpan and brush Google search, you can find one as low as $0.78. Click here for details.
These are the must-have things you need when you go to into your bathroom for wash day. You notice we didn’t even get into what you need to be using in your hair for wash day. That’s a whole new list for a whole different day. Be sure to supply your cabinets with these 4 MUST-HAVE things and be prepared for anything on Wash Day, something crazy always happens to lengthen this list. Like I just remembered one:
#5 Towels
I don’t use these to rinse my hair with, I use them to lay down on the counter and or floor, I swear it can get messy with my hair flinging around.
Make sure these must-have things are within hands reach. You do far too much during your Hair Wash Day to be on a scavenger hunt for these necessities.
BMWK family how long do you spend on wash day? What are your wash day must haves? Leave your comments below.
Butterflies Up!!
I will not tip and dip in the tub…it’s too dangerous.
I just washed my hair today and I actually do keep a broom and dustpan nearby but wondered if other curlies deal with this. Glad to know it’s somewhat universal.
I can agree with you. All my tip-n-dipping is OUTSIDE THE TUB. If not you’ll kill yourself for sure. I’m always sweeping these little curlies after styling. Nope, you’re not alone Butterfly..:) thanks for reading and for commenting.. you’re never alone..)
Thank you, yes. I think you are right, that must have 5 things.