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Has Trump Made the Republicans Lose Their Marbles?

In the latest chronicles of “Republicans say the darndest things,” some well-known GOP favorites have made a few puzzling comments this week.

1. According to the Miami Herald, former Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio says he stands by his earlier comments about Donald Trump, including his allegations that trump is a “con man.”

“I’ve stood by everything I ever said in my campaign,” Rubio is reported saying to the Miami Herald.Yet despite upholding his con man comments, Rubio affirms that he still supports Trump for president.

Totally sensible, right?

2. Rudy Giuliani was the Republican mayor of New York City during 9/11—you know, the worst radical Islamic terrorist attack on American soil, which happened under President Bush.

Well, in a possible momentary memory lapse (or maybe something more nefarious like brainwashing), Giuliani said this:

“Under those eight years, before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” he said in a campaign speech for Donald Trump in Youngstown, Ohio recently. “They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office.”

Crazy? Early onset dementia? Merely absentminded? Or is it:  9/11; Never forget…Unless it suits you?

3. And our favorite conspiracy theorist himself, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has in the last several weeks been spinning a new theory, which sounds like a premise more suited for Olivia Pope than Hillary Clinton.

“The only way we can lose, in my opinion — and I really mean this, Pennsylvania — is if cheating goes on. I really believe it,” Trump said in a rally held in Altoona, Penn., recently.

Despite what Scandal‘s Gladiators or Trump supporters may think, there is no real case for voter fraud, according to a report from the Washington Post.

But then again, crazier things have happened. And I’m sure crazier comments have been made.

BMWK, what do you make of all these bizarre comments? Do you think Republicans are just trying to save face for their nominee?



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